Three Little Pigs - Artwork: Eva Krusche
Inspired by the stories of The Brothers Grimm - somehow this is a fairytale that had to make an appearance as I think it is the most famous Grimm fairytale in England that I know of. Of course I grew up with the ladybird children’s version which I think may be a little less dark.
Another slight experiment in songwriting technique, this one was another attempt at writing a song with mainly only one chord - which I only really manage in the verses and it gives it a sort of drone effect (a little like the sound of bagpipes) and then part way through we are introduced to a very Bavarian marching band sound with it’s pomp and circumstance before being thrown into swing rock, another return to the Bavarian beer tents before the grand finale and the grand fight between the pigs and Mr. Jebediah P. Wolf.
The whole song is narrated by a fictional radio reporter, reporting live on the unfolding events of the siege situation. I wrote some text for this for Just John Jones (reporter) but then he started to improvise with hilarious consequences. Some of the more graphically violent narration we had to omit from the final version.
Of course there is also a mini song that serves as an introduction to the main feature: Wolf’s Love of Pork. Jedediah’s own song of love of the taste of little pigs which uses a chord at the offset often referred to as the ‘Hendrix chord’ which is actually a dominant 7th with #9 (sharp 9th note) - which effectively makes a chord with both the major and minor 3rd in it - it has a great clashing sound and has a true rock’n’roll feel - which I love playing.

Three Little Pigs
Hey little pigs, just sitting in the castle, all alone when your Mam’s away,
What are you doing there, making mischief, can’t be trusted on your own,
It’s so cold here standing at the door, why don’t you open up for me?
I won’t change much, just a little sprinkle, I’ll make it better for you all you see,
Can’t come in, you will eat us up,
Three poor pigs with a wolf outside who wants to have his way with us,
And it can’t / won’t be good,
No happy end, won’t be for us, no way, no way,
Although this house is better than the last two,
Straw and mud it won’t stop me,
Bricks are hard but I be coming down the chimney
Put the kettle on for me,
“Oh,” said the pigs, “we’re gonna put your kettle on a giant pot upon the stove,
Inside will be onion and Pepper, turnip, salt and a garlic clove
Now that I’m dressed up,
What do you think?
Do I fit in now?
You’re welcome to your stupid party,
Let’s have a bevvy, let’s have a drink.
You’re gonna need it,
‘Cause soon enough your World will come a crashing round your ears,
Oh you won’t believe it, until your walls come a tumbling down,
Ian Chapman: vocals, guitars, cornets,
Dine Doneff: drums, vocals
Carles Camós: e-bass
Sandra Hollstein: vocals, accordeon
Johannes Url: drums
Martin Habersetzer: tuba
Julian Hesse: trumpet
Thorben Schütt: trombone
Just John Jones: vocals, narration
Eileen Byrne: vocals
Producer: Dine Doneff
Music, Lyrics & Arrangement: Ian Chapman