On Friday, after a long delay (the first planned video shoot having being cancelled in March due to some unforeseen minor worldwide event, can't quite recall what it was, it's on the tip of my mask..er, I mean tongue) we finally shot two music video films that will herald the release of our long awaited debut album.

The album is currently being finished by the very talented Dine Doneff in his homeland Macedonia. He has worked with us for the past two years as Producer and I know I speak for the whole band when I say he has really curated a most spectacular, or should I say Oracular transformation. A beautiful butter-pig-fly* is soon to emerge!
We are immensely blessed to have the support of so many big hearted and talented people that gave up their time and talent to help us create these films that will serve as an introduction to the Society.
Personally, I couldn't have wished for a better Shooting, although we were all exhausted by the end, the band and crew having started work on set at 8am and not leaving before after midnight.
Photos by David Brugman
Eileen Byrne took the helm as Director and masterfully lead us through the process with Pius Neumaier as the invaluable Camera man assisted superbly by Franzi Hurm and Felix Riedelsheimer and taking on the role of Art Director (magnificently so, one must add) Linda Sollacher.
Photographer David Brugman made some wonderful pictures of the day, a big thank you to him.
We also had a fine array of talented and very lovely actors and extras who came and put on stunning if at times subtle and refined performances in the face of the camera despite long waiting and a hot uncomfortable atmosphere. We thank you for your patience. Our lead actor Andreas Mayer put on a fine performance perfectly fitting our vision for the film.

We look forward to the release of these films along with the album and another music video filmed last year. It's been a difficult time for many this year, but through it all, we feel optimistic for things to come, and may I dare to venture that there will be great things to come and perhaps in this current age it may be that long live the lone diners!
P.S. I just uploaded some behind the scenes photos of the video shoot to the MEMBERS only page.
*This will make more sense after the album is released